Wednesday, 10 July 2013

House-made Ice Pops

A few months ago, we started making and serving our very own ice pops. Though the weather when we started was still a bit chilly, the fresh fruit and ingredients we used transcend weather.

Of course, we'd like to think that creating our ice pops encouraged Mother Nature to provide us with a bit more sun so far this summer. Well, perhaps our fine kitchen staff can't influence Mother Nature, but at least we can help you battle the heat with a cool refreshing ice pop.
If you're headed to Fitzgerald Park or wandering around Cork City, feel free to stop in for an ice pop to eat-in or to-go. It's like air-conditioning for your belly!

If you want to play around with making your own ice pops at home, use juice of 1 lemon , 1 tbl spoon of sugar, 2 punnets of strawberries drop of balsamic vinegar, 4 peppercorns then put in a heat-proof bowl, cover with cling film and put in a pot of simmering water until sugar dissolves then place in a blender with 400ml of water and 100ml of vodka (optional). Finally, pass through a fine sieve place in your ice pop moulds and freeze. Of course, it's easier if you just pop into Fenn's Quay and enjoy the final chilly refreshment.

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